Portfolio & Investments

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Portfolio of Investments

Myelo Therapeutics GmbH [2013 to 2022]

Myelo Therapeutics GmbH develops innovative treatments in areas of high unmet medical needs.

Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS), also known as radiation toxicity or radiation sickness, is an acute illness that presents after exposure to high levels of radiation, caused by a nuclear accident or attack. It can lead to severe health consequences, including death.

One of the most common side effects of conventional chemotherapy is chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression, resulting in a reduction of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes).

Exit in 2022 (Sales of Shares to Eckert and Ziegler AG)


Treamid Therapeutics GmbH [2017 to 2020]

Treamid Therapeutics (TT) identified a new drug target for treating inflammatory processes in respiratory diseases, including one orphan indication, which it is able to target with two of its patent protected, new chemical entities. A comprehensive set of non-clinical studies confirmed the safety and efficacy of its development compounds. TT is supported by Bayer Healthcare through its Berlin CoLaborator and is currently raising an A round that will take one candidate to clinical stage. 

Exit in 2020 (Sales of Shares to private investor)

Good Garment Collective and interloom

A production agency for clothing with its own sample studio. GGC stands for sustainable and transparent production processes.
Interloom is a digital sourcing platform for sustainable fabrics and ingredients and is curated by Good Garment Collective.

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 Investment in Stealth Mode