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Legal Info and Disclaimer

Registered Office / Firmensitz:
Scinspire Holding & Consulting GmbH
Mühlenstrasse 8a
14167 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)176 8118 4921

SCINSPIRE Holding&Consulting GmbH is registered at the municipal court Charlottenburg in Berlin/HRB 148710 B

VAT-No. / USt-ID./Nr.: DE289108438

Managing Director / Geschäftsführer: Dr. med. Dirk Pleimes

This website provides general information about our company, its products and services. Due to the nature of our products and services they may be subject to change and some of them are provided only regionally or with a regional difference as reflected by their customized nature. Our webpage and its contents do not purport to convey medical advice, and on no account is it a substitute for a consultation with a medical practitioner. The attention of users of our products is drawn to the directions for use accompanying the product. All content is prepared with the greatest possible care and is subject to constant updates and additions. We accept no liability for any errors arising, nor for the continuing relevance of the content to the current situation. We accept no liability for third-party content quoted by us on this website or to which we refer through hyperlinks. The content of this website is intended for users within the European Union and has been prepared by us under the provisions of German law. We do not guarantee the legality of this website under the jurisdiction of other countries. All copyright for the content of this website is vested in our company. The application of this material for commercial purposes is permitted only with our prior authorization.